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The Uber Mensch

Good afternoon,

After reviewing Uber’s financials, I have noticed they may be on to something. Their business model of inflating their expenses with unnecessary free rides and Uber treats to allow management a lever to control earnings reports is clever. But even more clever is that they seem to be able to string along their drivers with enough cash to barely cover car payments in a relatively sustainable manner.

Also, their recent working capital crunch seems to be covered by their recent sales of their drone and automatic driving technology businesses.

In addition, their Uber freight business looks very promising. I have attached a DCF detailing the added value I expect it to bring to the company. Also, from their financing and timing of new business lines, I expect they will start preparing to introduce automated driving technologies into the trucking business around 2026. I am sure they can convince their truck driving “partners” this will be good for their careers.

UBER Financial Projections Fixed
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I am happy to include that assumption into the attached valuation if you are curious how it will affect it for a small fee. Please reach out to me if you are interested at

Warmest Regards,

The Strategerist

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