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A National Healthcare System, To Query Or Not To Query?

The above link is to cite the picture of the Doggy, crazy article to skim though. Please note most Doctors in the United States take a Hippocratic Oath, so this should be unrelated to the below article, just a picture of a adorable puppy. I have never even heard that the US put implants in the GITMO detainees prior to releasing them in exchange for Bowe Bergdahl. Probably because the Democrats were vehemently against torture, especially after 9/11/2001, when the United States was angry. They acted, as the country’s moral compass. When most noble people who watched innocent people massacred wanted to just grab a perpetrator and beat them until they talked. With the intention being to finish it with the information obtained and then finish them. However, our remarkable restraint allowed for citizens to keep their gun rights. This was guided by Democrats, who led the way in adhering to their proud tradition of being beacons of morality for the international community to ensure intelligence information obtained was done so morally.

Good Morning,

To preference this article, I am going to be upfront regarding my opinion regarding a national healthcare system being implemented in the United States. I think it is a bad idea!

The United States cannot afford it. Capitalism works, if you subsidize something, people will overuse it and it will not be cost effective. It will also be used as a lever to take away people’s freedom of choice, etc. People should be free to make their own decisions if they are not harming innocent people. However, they should also be provided accurate information, so they are able to make informed decisions about their healthcare and healthcare providers.

That being said, I think the data that could be extracted from such a system is enticing. It’s been a while since I have designed a database reporting structure. However, I think it is possible given Hospital’s record keeping requirements, without enacting a national healthcare system or breaking HIPPA laws. The network infrastructure is already in place. It facilitates patient’s prescription records being able to be accessed by pharmacies and healthcare providers to ensure patients are not getting the same prescriptions from multiple healthcare facilities.

By aggregating all the data on every patient in the US, it would only take simple SQL queries to create frequency distributions that would allow for statistical analysis on all diseases and Doctors and Nurses’ performance records. An example of a benefit would be:

If there is a floor of a hospital has an abnormal number of deaths, given the patient’s characteristics and medical conditions when comparing it to every other hospital floor in the country, a talented database administrator could see if there are correlations that could be causation, such as poor performance by staff members or poor performance caused by proximity to certain staff members. It could also be used to identify statistical anomalies in the prevalence of diseases in certain environments. This could prevent another Erin Brockovich situation.

The steps to create such a database reporting structure are below.

1. Download all Hospital Patient Records.

2. Decide which columns from the tables are useful.

3. Create a Master Table that includes these selected columns(Do Not Include Patient's Names.)

4. Create a relationship table with a unique identifier for each social security number.

5. Create a relationship table for the column headers of the medical providers and the Master Table Columns.

6. Write an append query to bring in all the data from every medical provider into the Master Table.

7. Save a The Table down.

8. Delete the Hospital Patient Records.

9. Setup a table with the same columns as the master table called Transitions.

10. Setup a table with the same columns as the master table called Intentional.

11. Setup timed reports to periodically redownload all the hospital patient records, amend the Master table records with new information, Amend and Append the Transitions table, Append the Intentional table with the differences between the Master Table and the Transitions table, and save down copies of each table per download, categorized by date.

On a side note, crazy how much life expectancy figures declined the year prior to COVID.

"In the first half of 2020, life expectancy at birth for the total U.S. population was 77.8 years, declining by 1.0 year from 78.8 in 2019 (6). Life expectancy at birth for males was 75.1 years in the first half of 2020, representing a decline of 1.2 years from 76.3 years in 2019. For females, life expectancy declined to 80.5 years, decreasing 0.9 year from 81.4 years in 2019 (Figure 1)"

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